The adaptation to kindergarten

With that being said, the most important thing for parents is to stay calm and offer children stability, security, a lot of love and understanding. We know our child best, and that is why we know what they need at any given moment and will be able to advocate for it. Some children need a little longer introduction to kindergarten, while others get used to the new environment and people almost immediately. Some children feel better when introduced by their mother, while others may need a father’s support. I think it is important that we communicate and decide on such things together in advance and that some kind of agreement is reached on the introduction and attendance of the kindergarten, which will be the best for the child.

Communication is very important in this process. The communication that parents have with their child and in front of the child is crucial. Regardless of the child’s age, it is important to speak positively about kindergarten in front of the child, avoiding any judgments and excessive commenting on what is happening. Our perception of the situation will affect the perception of the child, so it is essential that we try to accept the circumstances with verbal and non-verbal communication around the child. It’s advised to have a talk beforehand and agree on how the introduction will go. In this way, we will be able to mentally prepare for the course, which will give us a sense of control and therefore calm us down.
Each kindergarten has its own list of things that a child needs to take with them to kindergarten. Usual essentials to prepare are:
- Backpack with spare clothes. The younger the child, the more spare clothes it's good to have. In addition to bodysuits, t-shirts and pants, don't forget feeding drools if your child is in a period when they drools a lot. Whether the clothes are in the latest fashion is not as important as the fact that they are comfortable and allow carefree playtime.
- Slippers. It's important that child's slippers are comfortable, soft, breathable and also safe, as they will be wearing them for half of the day in kindergarten.
- Diapers and wet wipes.
- Bed linen and a bedding bag.
- If the child uses a pacifier, then don't forget to put an extra one in their bag. A bottle of water and a plush toy for sleeping, if the child is used to that. All this will make difficult times and falling asleep easier for them.
Don’t forget to label all things with the child’s first and last name. We also mark the outwear clothing that they should bring with them, depending on the weather (cap, jacket, jacket, shoes, etc.).
We can also prepare for the introduction to kindergarten or other changes through a conversation with our child, which should be age-appropriate. We briefly tell the child what awaits them, what the daily routine will look like, who will be in kindergarten with them and what activities will they do there. Let’s mention as many good aspects of the kindergarten as possible, but also mention that we will be at work in the meantime and will come to pick them up as soon as we finish. Younger children will not yet be able to understand this and will have only just acquired the awareness that parents always come back for them, and that is precisely why it is recommended that the time when we return to pick up the child is gradually extended, possibly with a slower introduction.

As preparation for introduction, I would recommend:
- Before starting the introduction, go for a walk past the kindergarten several times and take a look at the building, the yard, and each time you briefly tell the child that they will be going to kindergarten here. If possible, arrange a joint meeting with the teacher so that they can get to know each other before the beginning of September.
- Prepare everything in advance and you will not be in a hurry in the morning. That way you will start your day as calm as possible.
- Think of a morning routine that will be the same every morning and will be a safe itinerary for kindergarten.
- You can also read a picture book that shows what is happening in the kindergarten.
- When the moment where you hand the child over to the teacher happens, it is important to do it quickly. The more you make it slow, the more likely your child will cry. Trust that the teacher knows exactly what to do at that moment.
- I think it's important to point out honesty. Sometimes a parent sneaks out of the playroom when the child isn't looking, but this can be bad for the child because they don't understand what has just happened. You decide for yourself, based on the child's character and age, for the most suitable plan. I chose to always hug them a little tighter before they said goodbye. Even if they shed a tear, I didn't want them to have an (even greater) feeling of abandonment.
All that awaits us is a normal part of their childhood, so let’s keep in mind that the child will adapt at their own pace to changes and experience some of their best childhood memories in kindergarten. Good luck everyone!